Vins Vitiligo Story

Hi, this is a wonderful site and I’m glad to read your story.
I’m from India and my wife has vitiligo, but u know what, she is the most beautiful woman in the world and I’m very proud and lucky to have her.
She had vitiligo before we met and it has never bothered me, it was me who fell in love with her and pursued her and she was a hard nut to crack too, but we finally r together and enjoying our beautiful life.
Its very difficult in India to convince your parents if your marrying someone with vitiligo despite being “normal” yourself, but my family is equally open minded and love my wife too.
My reason to post my little love story is because i want people to stop this pointless prejudice against vitiligo and accept a person for who they truly are, and who knows u might get lucky just like me :)